Board Elections and Annual Meeting
The 52nd Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held in Wainwright, Alaska in June 2025. Official Notice of Annual Meeting confirming date, time, and place will be posted here in April 2025.
Three seats are up for election at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The term for each seat is three years. Shareholders who are interested in running for the Board of Directors must complete their Statement of Interest form and a Candidate Disclosure Questionnaire, linked below as “Board Candidacy Forms.” Printed forms will also be available at our offices in Wainwright and Anchorage.
Completed forms must be received by the Governance Department no later than 5 p.m. AKST on Friday, February 14, 2025.
Each year, Olgoonik leadership is happy to acknowledge exceptional shareholders who exemplify our corporation’s mission of responsible development and maintaining our Iñupiaq traditions, cultures, and values.
If you know an outstanding Shareholder Elder, Shareholder Leader, or Shareholder Youth who deserves special recognition, please consider nominating them for this year’s Shareholder of the Year Awards! The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2025.